Brahmacharini - 2nd Navadurga

Brahmacharini represents Parvati in her phase of asceticism. (veel …)

Brahmacharini - 2.Navadurga

Brahmācāriṇi esindab Parvatit tema askeesi faasis. (veel …)

Shailaputri - 1st Navadurga

Śailaputrī is the first form amongst Navadurga or the nine forms and is worshipped on the first day during the Navratri celebrations. (veel …)

Šailaputri - 1.Navadurga

Śailaputrī on Navadurga ehk üheksa Durga seas esimene ja teda kummardatakse Navratri pidustuste esimesel päeval. (veel …)

Sadhana for Navaratri

The Nine days of Navaratri are usually divided into three sections devoted to Kaali, Lakshmi and Saraswati as I have mentioned in the first article. (veel …)

Navaratri sadhana

Navaratri üheksa päeva jagatakse tavaliselt kolmeks osaks, mis on pühendatud Kaalile, Lakshmile ja Saraswatile, nagu ma olen maininud esimeses artiklis. (veel …)

Navaratri meaning 2024

Just as the tree is latent in the seed, so this universe of names and forms, lies enfolded in the Shakti of the Brahman. She is the Divine Mother who is the womb of all creatures.

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Navaratri tähendus - 2024

Nii nagu puu on varjatult seemnes, nii on ka see nimede ja vormide universum peidetud Brahmani Šakti sisse. Ta on Jumalik Ema, kes on kõigi olendite emaüsaks.

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